Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Can you hear me?

Writing a blog is a bit like dropping pebbles into a deep dark well, waiting to hear a faint splash.

I know some people are reading the blog, because I've got a few followers, and one or two emails, but that's all. It would be really nice to get more comments, followers and general response, to encourage me.  The Internet cafe is slow, electricity is intermittent at home especially in the evening after work, so it's not like just sitting at a fast PC on broadband!

I was also hoping that my work colleagues would use the blog as a resource in adult community learning.  It's a relatively painless way to include education for sustainable development and global citizenship, as well as some communication skills, if our tutors referred to the blog in classes (not just ICT classes!).  They could use it to raise issues like gender and equality pro-actively, and generate discussion.

So, if anyone is reading this, let me know!  If you have questions, I'll try to cover them in the blog, or by email.  And if you can publicise it more, please send the link to anyone you know.

Best wishes to all my friends and readers!


mattm said...

Ros, I can assure you we are out here reading your blog, and are interested to hear about your adventures. I know some of your colleagues were finding it difficult to post comments but I'll remind them all tomorrow when we meet to plan the next stage of our service development...

Will you get any time to travel to the parks nearby?

Best wishes,


Katie said...

I'm reading it! I love your blog mum, it's really interesting and glad to know your ok :) Love you

Sosban Fach said...

Hi Ros - I have been following you closely!! I have tried and tried to send you comments but tonight I have succeeded!!! This has been quite an ordeal (not as big as yours though). Challenges are sent to try us. I am so pleased to hear that you are coping with creepy crawlies. Watch out for those mozzies. I have spent many nights throwing flip flops at them in various places. Take care, Sian

Ros B said...

thanks for the messages! my daughter sorted out the problem with leaving comments so this should be ok now. i do check my emails too, my home account.
as for travelling, I'll do a post about that too - quite a palaver to get permission from the Fon!

AlanB said...

Lots of us are following your blog Ros - you are doing it really well!

Her Holiness said...

I'm not sure which song your title refers to on this post! It's surely not the one by Enrique Inglesias?

Ros B said...

and why not enrique iglesias then? i'm just using song titles, not endorsing people's music! anyway, i quite like some of his stuff.