Street life - yellow taxis hooting, elegantly dressed ladies picking their way along the hole-ridden roadside, stalls selling peanuts and phone cards, a photocopier in the middle of a rubble-strewn building site ... with people queuing up to use it. Dusty, dirty, noisy, fascinating.
We've been lucky to have enough water at the hotel. Yaounde is short of water, and some districts have no water for one day a week. People have to fill containers first thing in the morning, then none till next day. But everyone is clean, with clean clothes and polished shoes. They say it's better to be late than not well dressed!
Last night we had our first real power cut, in the middle of dinner out in a small grill place. Two of us had our head torches (good on us Welsh women!) and thank goodness, with no street lights to see our way around the potholes. Don't look down them, you don't want to know! The storm took out the hotel air conditioning, but left the satellite TV intact to see the Cameroon football team's international against Italy. Those bars with their own generators were doing extra well last night!