Saturday 27 February 2010

These foolish things

Packing for an 8 week trip is not easy - I've just spent 2 days on it!  I've had official advice from the volunteer website, plus conversations and emails with previous Welsh volunteers, which meant I've ended up with an amazing amount of stuff.

The weather will be hot and dry at first, but I'm going up into the north west hills so it should be cooler than in the capital, Yaounde.  Then when the rains come, someone told me rain bounces off the road and it's cool.  But if you're used to 30 degrees or more, what feels cool?

Clothes have to be smart, and there's a big emphasis on keeping your shoes well polished.  I have to make a good impression to live up to expectations and show the proper respect for my new colleagues and the others I meet. 

Then there's the medication.  As well as my malaria tablets, I've been advised to take pretty well anything I might need for whatever may happen - from athlete's foot to verrucas!  I've got about half a litre each of anti-mosquito stuff and Factor 50 suncream; plus shampoo, shower gel ... it all makes for very heavy luggage.  Of course, I shan't be bringing all this stuff home, whether I need it or not (and I hope not!)

I'm also taking pens, pencils, paper, teabags - all recommended as gifts for local people, a way of making good connections.  It's going to be important to build up relationships if my work is to be effective.

Anyway, the bags are packed, and I'm ready to go.  Just a last minute problem of how I'm getting to Swansea tomorrow for the National Express coach to Heathrow...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It's 3 March here and so you are on your way. Travel safe. Good luck and looking forward to reading your blog. Anne